The purpose of the kubernetes-cluster was to experiment with gitops-principles in an enterprise-like environment, to simulate how many companies run their platform.
I am using a kubernetes-distribution called k3s, a distribution that is made to be set up on ARM architecture like the raspberry-pi is.
To get the gitops functionality I am using Flux(v2). This is the mechanism to be able to store all my kustumize yaml-files in a git repository.
To run all the apps deployed on the kubernetes-cluster I utilize the advantages of gitops some witch is listed below.
- A log of all changes is automatically generated.
- I do not need to log into the cluster, this allows me to secure access to the cluster accordingly, it also forces me to go through git to make changes!
The ideal state of the kluster is stored, witch means that a re-installation of the cluster is easier, only a bootstrap of flux is needed and the cluster is re-created
Continuous deployment
By configuring flux to look in specific container registries for tags in specific patterns the flux component will automatically put new versions into operation. This is also done in a gitops-way where the change is pushed into the git repository and then the changes are put into effect on the cluster like usual.
As of now the website (the one you are reading this post on) configured for automatic deployment though git-ops, only a git-tag is needed in the repository to kick of the events that will put the container into production.
Containers I run on the cluster
In the cluster I run some important components that I want to talk about in this section
For my ingress-controller reverse proxy I run Traefik, witch I find fits good in a kubernetes environment, the syntax for the CRD-s that are provided in Traefik is nice to work with.
Another important component is the cert-manager component, this component is what provide the automatic renewal and requesting of the server-certificate that are used in the reverse proxy. It is capable to perform ACME challange to prove ownership of the domain, witch is lets-encypt in my current configuration
This website is deployed on kubernetes, it is simply a deployment and a service, and of course ingress-configuration.