The purpose of the price notifier was to keep up to date of the price of my parents-in-law’s residence, I offcourse wanted to keep up to date on how the price evolved, so I created this little thing.
I decided that the code would be readable for all, please take a look at the code yourself: PriceNotifier
I wrote the application in kotlin, as I enjoy writing kotlin and how easy it is to get a quick project like this one done.
I decided that it would be beneficial to abstract a few of the concepts to make this code usable with other sources and other notification mechanisms
Essentially this consists of two parts, the fetchers, witch are called on an interval, returning a price for something. And the Notifiers that registers a subscription to a new highest price It is built with spring boot, which in this case handles dependency injection, instantiation of notifiers, configuration and scheduling.
Currently, only one fetcher exists, with this system a new one would be easy to add. It is responsible for taking a url and knowing how to get the price information
An EraSweden price notifier exists currently, this one scrapes the html of the website to get the price currently.
Multiple price notifiers can be registered simultaneously, it is built on an observer pattern, the notifiers are themselves responsible for registering with the Scheduler.
Currently the following notifiers exists:
- Console notifier (Prints to console)
- System tray Notifier (Sends a windows tray notification)